Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bergen County Zoo Winter Pictures


By James Sengul.

Even in winter there is a lot to see in Bergen County Zoo in Van Saun park: eagles, farm animals, monkeys, mountain lions, prairie dogs, owls and other animals. The zoo is free in winter.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Frenchtown Bridge

Frenchtown Bridge
By Mental Lint on Flickr.

This is a bridge over Delaware river on the border of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. It was built in 1931.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Forgotten Flag

forgotten flag
By Chris Miller on Flickr.

Many times there are sites we see from the car driving by we wish we could take picture of. Chris Miller did just that:
I can see this barn on my way to and from work everyday from Interstate 195... it looked really cool in the snow....never got that shot, but today I found the barn..

Saturday, February 12, 2011

NJ Transit trains in Newark

End to end

By pilechko on Flikr.

The double decker is a newer train, it is very nice as opposed to older trains with doors which don't open half the time and muffled announcements.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Court Street in Hoboken

Court Street Hoboken,NJ.
By lennyd120 on Flickr.

The buildings look grander than usual and a little bit magical on these snow covered streets.